Effortlessly create WordPress websites with clicks, not code.

Henry is a modern block-based WordPress theme hand-crafted by Andrei Chira, a long-time WordPress creator and Gutenberg enthusiast.

Andrei Chira

Site Editor

Create and launch your website effortlessly using the WordPress site editor and the Henry block theme. No coding required.

Block Patterns

Effortlessly build pages quickly using a set of pre-designed building blocks, which you can then personalize with your own content.

Global Styles

Easily modify the styles of individual blocks or implement site-wide style adjustments, including colors, spacing, and sizes.

Template Parts

Use template parts to effortlessly generate, edit, and oversee global sections of your website, including headers, footers, and sidebars.


Blocks are content elements like paragraphs, buttons, and images, serving as the fundamental components for crafting content and layouts.

Site Export

After designing your website in the WordPress site editor, exporting and importing it to another site is a breeze with just a few clicks.